FDA cracks down in 'blitz' on E-Liquid sales on Ebay!
The Food and Drug Administration has launched what it calls a “blitz” to stop retailers from selling E-Liquid to underage kids, with a special focus on the "wildly popular" Juul, a vaping device that looks like a flash drive.
The FDA said it warned 40 stores including Ebay about selling vape products to children under 18 and has persuaded eBay to control listings and not allow the sale of anymore vape devices or Ejuice on their site.
FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said in a statement.
“First, we’re announcing that the FDA has been conducting a large-scale, undercover nationwide blitz to crack down on the sale of e-cigarettes — specifically Juul products — to minors at both brick-and-mortar and online retailers,” Gottlieb said.
“The blitz, which started May 1st and will continue to the end of the month, has already revealed numerous violations of the law.”
“We also recently contacted eBay to raise concerns over several listings for vape products on its website," “We’re thankful for eBay’s swift action to remove the listings and voluntarily implement new measures to prevent new listings from being posted to the web retailer’s site. Our overarching goal — one we hope everyone shares — is to make sure Juul, and any other e-cigarettes or tobacco products, aren’t getting into kids’ hands in the first place.”
“As part of the FDA’s responsibility to protect kids and significantly reduce tobacco-related disease and death, these are the first steps in a new effort aimed at stopping youth use of e-cigarettes,” the FDA said in a statement.
For now all vape sellers have been suspended or disbanded from selling e-juice on ebay and as a consumer, buying your e-juice off ebay has been put to a hault.
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