What Proposition 31 will mean for California Residents

With the November 8 election drawing near for California residents we’ll be diving straight in about what Proposition 31 means and how your vote will affect Senate Bill 793 (SB 793). Understanding and decoding the California general election’s measures can be confusing, but we’ll break down Proposition 31 and what a yes or no vote will mean.


Right, so you’re looking at the ballot measures and you’re wondering what in the world prop 31 has to do with California residents and the vaping community and why should we all care about SB 793.

California Senate Bill 793

Senate Bill 793 is essentially the California flavor ban. This bill prohibits California retailers from selling any flavored tobacco product or a tobacco product flavor enhancer. If a retailer is caught selling these products they will be fined $250 for each violation. This bill hasn’t been fully passed, but Prop 31 can change that.

Proposition 31, so what is it?

According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office , Proposition 31 also known as SB 793 can soon be in full effect and thus have a state-wide flavor ban, excluding hookah tobacco, loose-leaf tobacco, and premium cigars. Prop 31, also specifically defines what are flavored tobacco products and tobacco product flavor enhancers.

Flavored tobacco products containing any of the following fruit, menthol, mint, honey, vanilla, or chocolate.

Enhancers are products that create flavor when added to a tobacco product.

Voting a Yes will allow proposition 31 to pass.

Voting No, will not let it pass and thus flavored products will continue to be sold. Excluding cities that already have their own ban.

Arguments on Prop 31

A few things to note is the ongoing argument between a yes or no vote.

The “Yes on 31” campaign is supported by the argument “that Big Tobacco is purposely targeting children and teens to purchase flavored vape products.” According to Yes on 31 campaigns, there is a “health crisis affecting children and is a concern of underage nicotine addiction.” Not only does a yes vote discourage legal adults from having a choice of flavors to help them quit smoking cigarettes, but many businesses as well will be affected if the bill passes, which will lead to job losses.

It is already illegal for anyone under 21 to buy or use any vape or tobacco product. Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association published, ”No one wants children smoking or vaping, but it’s already illegal in California to sell or give tobacco vapor products to anyone under the age of 21. If prohibition worked, then we wouldn’t have a problem.” We encourage all vapers and those who believe adults should have the freedom of choice for the use of flavored vape products as a smoking cessation, to vote No on Prop 31.

Your Choice

How will you vote in the upcoming election? Will you vote for freedom of choice? As a blog dedicated to bringing the latest vape products and news, we will be voting no to continue to give you the best choices for your vaping needs.

California Legislative Information SB 793, “https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB793,” accessed November 1, 2022
Legislative Analyst’s Office, “https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB793 ,” accessed November 1, 2022
Yes on 31 campaign,” https://www.voteyeson31.com/get-the-facts ,” accessed November 1, 2022
Ballotpedia, “https://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_31,_Flavored_Tobacco_Products_Ban_Referendum_(2022) ,” accessed November 1, 2022
OC Register, “https://www.ocregister.com/2022/08/20/californians-should-vote-no-on-prop-31-and-trust-adults-to-make-choices-for-themselves/ ,” August 20, 2022
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